chiropractic services Durham, NC
If you are experiencing pain, we want to help! We are dedicated to helping patients regain pain-free lives. Oftentimes, people do not seek help for pain until it worsens. We want to help at the onset of symptoms, so they do not progress.

Activator Method Durham, NC

Activator Method

The Activator is the most widely used chiropractic instrument. Studies show improvement with the Activator Method. It also has been compared to other techniques and proven to be just as effective. This means that for many patients an Activator adjustment could very well lead to the same outcome as a manual adjustment. This offers chiropractors and patients an alternative to manual adjusting when it is preferred for clinical reasons.

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chiropractic services Durham, NC

Chiropractic Care

We specialize in correcting your body’s misalignments. Our goal is to ensure that your spine and the rest of your body are working harmoniously. To do so, we will help you develop a plan that will require light stretching, some exercise, chiropractic care, and a healthy diet.

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Cold Laser Therapy Durham, NC

Cold Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a treatment that utilizes specific wavelengths of light to interact with tissue and help accelerate your healing process. Laser treatment can be used on people suffering from acute and chronic conditions in order to eliminate pain and swelling, increase functionality, and reduce spasms.

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chiropractic services Durham, NC

Corrective Exercises

Corrective exercises are the use of bodily movements and/or postures to restore desirable changes in diseased or injured tissues. The corrective exercises are movement strategies that minimize or eliminate compensation. Corrective exercises should precede more integrated exercises, because they can cue the patient’s motor system to respond in a more desirable way and assist in removing or improving biomechanical constraints.

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Diversified Technique Durham, NC

Diversified Technique

The goal of the Diversified Technique is to reduce nerve interference. There are no special or unique procedures needed. Patients are assessed using these various mechanisms: history and basic examination (orthopedic and neurologic), palpation, x-ray, leg checks and reflex procedures as well as others.

The procedure involves analyzing the full spine and extremities. The majority of adjustments used in Diversified are manual adjustments, HVLA (high velocity, low amplitude), or long lever manipulations aimed at cavitating the joint and creating an audible release. This sound is known by patients as the “popping” or “cracking” sound associated with adjustments. Some chiropractors utilize specialized equipment such as drop tables or pelvic blocks.

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Electrical Stimulation Durham, NC

Electrical Stimulation

Electrotherapy is an alternative pain management treatment option that involves the use of mild electromagnetic pulses to provide relief for the patient. This treatment option can dull pain, repair tissue, strengthen muscles, and even improve your blood circulation.

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Kinesio Taping Durham, NC

Kinesio Taping

Kinesiology Taping is a precise rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints. This technique allows the body’s normal range of motion as well as providing extending soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting. Kinesio tape is latex-free and hypoallergenic which makes it “skin friendly” for patients with sensitive or fragile skin; such as, patients with diabetes, fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis.

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Lifestyle Advice Durham, NC

Lifestyle Advice

Our team here at University Chiropractic is dedicated to helping you achieve your long-term health and wellness goals by offering you reliable lifestyle advice. If you are not sure if the lifestyle choices you are making are worsening or improving your condition, we are here to help. We address the typical chiropractic issues as well as coach our patients to live a healthier life by looking at the individual as a whole mentally, physically and emotionally.

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Massage Therapy

If you have a hectic lifestyle, you know that being constantly on-the-go is just part of the routine. However, taking the time for massage therapy in Durham can be a useful tool that can help you continue performing at your very best. This is due to the fact that a massage can do more than clear your conscience and ease your muscles. Massage Therapy in Durham can keep your body in tip-top shape to help you – be you!

When your body is dealing with pain, it can be tough to deal with even the most routine errands. A massage can help you overcome these aches and pains by restoring the blood passages to your back, giving those muscles a quick pick me up in the form of oxygen. The result is the all-natural painkiller, endorphins, being released by your brain to bring you back to life.


Massage therapy is a healing practice which can enhance an individual’s wellness and physiological performance. A massage can have a positive impact on the physique and psyche of a person. A shortlist of the amazing effects a massage can have include: shuttling toxins away from soft tissues, improving blood flow, and improving the resilience of the body’s many fibers and joints.

Massage therapy has also been known to assist in treating muscle spasms and muscle trauma. The reason this is the case is that a massage reduces the amount of time it takes to recover by improving the flow of the circulatory system. This, in turn, allows the body to recover faster naturally.

A massage at a chiropractic clinic can help with innumerable symptoms such as back pain, healing from medical procedures, headaches and migraines, insomnia, and much more.


The advantages of massage therapy are heralded and known across the world. It has been well-documented that massage can treat a large number of symptoms. Just a couple of the advantages that massage therapy can afford an individual include, extremity pain relief, improved blood flow, improved mood, and reduced physical and mental pressure. Massage therapy is also excellent at eliminating the body of toxins. All of the advantages of massage therapy combine to result in an all-natural treatment that can help a person’s body perform at its very best in all dimensions of health.


Chiropractic and massage are similar in that they both utilize the careful application of physical force on an individual’s body in order to activate the body’s healing response. Once these treatments are complete, the body tends to undergo a restoration and any aches and pains are diminished and life becomes increasingly pain-free.

It is not necessary to choose between massage therapy and chiropractic since both are excellent treatments that complement each other well. There are many individuals living healthier lifestyles that serve as proof of the healing properties of these treatments.

The reason why massage therapy and chiropractic care work well together is because:

  • Massage prolongs the effects of a chiropractic adjustment
  • Chiropractic adjustments make it easier for a massage to affect the body
  • Improved flexibility between the two treatments ensure the full benefits of said treatments are realized

For the best massage therapy in Durham, contact the team at University Chiropractic. Our team is more than happy to help you understand and enjoy the benefits of massage therapy.

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Myofascial Release Durham, NC

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is an intervention administered to various patients to alleviate pain or restrictive tissue problems. The release treatment usually involves the application of gentle or moderate pressure on the connective tissues and leads to relaxation and eventual elongation of the fascia therein. These restrictions are often caused by traumatic accidents or inflammations of the soft tissue. Some patients get them as an after-effect of surgery. They always result in muscular tension and spasm of sharp pain. They cannot be detected through standard diagnosis tests like the x-ray scan. It is essential for a patient to visit a doctor or physiotherapy expert once they notice restriction of movement in the hip area or shoulder. Painful backs can also be a sign of the restriction and can only be treated through the Myofascial Release procedures.

What to expect during therapy
If you have never undergone a Myofascial Release procedure before, you might wonder what will be done. There is no need to panic any way, since it is a minor therapy intervention meant to alleviate any pain that could be as a result of fascia muscle pain and restriction. Here is what you can expect if you visit a standard therapist for your myofascial pain treatment.

  • The therapist might have to interview you about what you think the cause of the pain could be. They may also palpitate the affected area to identify the particular fascia that needs to be massaged and given due attention during the procedure.
  • A standard treatment should last anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour, but should not last longer than that as that may lead to soreness and fatigue.
  • You may experience considerable relief, but if the case is severe, you may need to go for another session or two in the subsequent days.
  • The treatment does not require the use of any equipment and creams or gels. The therapist will only need their hands to manipulate and apply slight pressure to the trigger points and affected muscles.
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Nutritional Consultations Durham, NC

Nutritional Consultations

Here at University Chiropractic we want to help you on your journey towards health and wellness. Our goal is to help you achieve total health and balance with your body. In order to achieve that goal, we are here to offer specific recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices to help you maintain a healthy weight.

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Pediatric Chiropractic

The nervous system of a child is in control of regulating every other system in the body. It regulates blood flow along with bone growth, brain function and overall plays a key role in making sure the growing body is healthy and running efficiently. Stress and the alignment of the spine also plays a crucial role in the health of a child as it can affect development. University Chiropractic offers chiropractic care in Durham centered around using gentle therapy to correct issues before the child fully develops in order to ensure a healthy childhood without pain.


It can be hard to grasp the benefits of a child under chiropractic care. Generally, children are not complaining about recurring pain and a child’s body allows faster healing from injuries. In truth, each child is put through a lot of stress while they are developing and an important aspect to healthy development is maintenance.

During the birthing process, it is common for stress and trauma to occur in the spine. During both a natural birth and a Cesarean birth it is easy for a child’s spine to become improperly aligned due to the amount of pressure involved during birth. If this happens, a baby’s only means of communication is crying, therefore the misaligned spine and pain associated with it goes unnoticed. Childhood also comes with awkward sleeping positions and sometimes a small tumble. The toddler stage is filled with twists and falls as they learn how to walk. At this stage children are very resilient and are capable of taking falls but it is also a possibility that some of the injuries can cause a certain movement pattern resulting in bones becoming misaligned as time goes by.

Some kids also demonstrate bad posture while they are watching TV or sitting at a desk which leads to unnecessary pressure on the spine. Sports and even how a child wears a heavy backpack have effects on the spine. Additionally, physical labor comes into play as the children turn into teenagers. This added stress can also lead to a negative spinal impact.

As shown, a child is faced with many different situations that can potentially misalign their spine. A spine that is out of alignment is a serious issue as an aligned spine allows for a healthy nervous system and ensures pain-free development.


It can be very difficult to tell if a child’s spine is misaligned as there might not be any pain for the child to notice and become aware of the issue. A child also might not understand their body enough to recognize a recurring issue and seek help. If a child is experiencing pain, the communication of that pain may not be clear or can result in a bad attitude and crying. The spine and issues with alignment can also be responsible for issues during the developmental stage.


The first step in the chiropractic care process for a child is the consultation. This consultation begins with a thorough examination with the goal of discovering and locating the source of the issue. With that information, a personalized plan will be created in order to treat the condition. A chiropractor is also capable of working with children that are not able to communicate pain or are too shy to do so. The method of treatment typically consists of gentle adjustments to the spine. It is common for children to fall asleep after a treatment as they are much more relaxed. Please call us at University Chiropractic in Durham if you have any questions about your children’s health.

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Pre/Postnatal Chiropractic Durham, NC

Pre/Postnatal Chiropractic

Here at University Chiropractic, we offer a conservative approach to treating pregnant women. Our prenatal care is gentle and safe. We aim to alleviate the stress and strains of pregnancy while improving comfort for both the mother and baby. We understand the physical changes that come with pregnancy, and we offer relief without using any drugs.

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Spinal Screenings Durham, NC

Spinal Screenings

Sometimes all that stands between your daily pain and a happier, healthier you, is a chiropractic adjustment. Your body naturally wants to be in alignment, and our daily activities can throw what is naturally aligned out of balance. Also known as chiropractic manipulation, manual manipulation, or spinal manipulation, chiropractic adjustment refers to the manipulation of the vertebrae that have abnormal movements and are not functioning properly. Here at University Chiropractic, we can help you achieve balance and proper alignment, giving you relief and improving your health.

Our goal in treating your joint and spinal issues is to reduce subluxation, increase range of motion, reduce nerve irritability, and improve mobility. Our highly skilled chiropractor will work with you to relieve your pain and get you back to living a pain free and healthy lifestyle.

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Webster Technique

The Webster Technique is a chiropractic method designed to address the biomechanical challenges often associated with pregnancy. Developed by Dr. Larry Webster, this gentle and non-invasive approach aims to optimize pelvic balance and function, creating a more conducive environment for the developing fetus. By focusing on the alignment of the sacrum and surrounding structures, the Webster Technique seeks to reduce interference to the nervous system, enhance uterine function, and promote proper fetal positioning. Chiropractors skilled in the Webster Technique employ specific adjustments to alleviate pelvic misalignments and ligament tension, potentially contributing to a smoother pregnancy and facilitating an optimal birthing experience. While not intended as a direct treatment for breech presentations, many expectant mothers seek the Webster Technique for its potential benefits in supporting overall pelvic health during pregnancy.

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X-Rays Durham, NC


One of the most important elements of chiropractic care is diagnostics. Chiropractic radiology is a tool utilized in care as a diagnostic practice to rule out pathology (such as possible tumor or fracture) and/or an additional aid to determine where to adjust the spine. Chiropractors rely on a variety of diagnostic techniques in order to fully understand what is occurring in the patient’s musculoskeletal system, and how a given treatment intervention could bring about positive results in each patient.

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